بازوهای خود را به آرامی پایین بیاورید

صحبت کردن درباره اعضای بدن و مسائل سلامتی نه تنها به بهبود مهارتهای زبانی کمک میکند، بلکه اطلاعات مفیدی راجع به سلامتی به شما می دهد. همچنین این موضوع به تسهیل مکالمات روزمره، تقویت مهارتهای ارتباطی و تشویق به سبک زندگی سالم نیز کمک میکند.

A: How are you?
B: I don’t feel so good.
A: Oh? What’s wrong?
B: I have a stomachache.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better.
الف: چطوری؟
ب: من خیلی احساس خوبی ندارم.
الف: اوه؟ مشکل چیه؟
ب: معده درد دارم.
الف: متاسفم که این را می شنوم. امیدوارم بهتر شوی.

A: How many times a week do you lift weights?
B: Never. I go to the gym once a week, but I don’t lift weights.
C: How long do you spend at the gym?
الف: چند بار در هفته وزنه می زنید؟
ب: هیچ وقت. من هفته ای یک بار به باشگاه می روم اما وزنه نمی زنم.
الف: چه مدت در باشگاه می گذرانید؟

A: I’m very tired, and my children never stop. What can I do?
B: Talk to your friends and find out what they do.
الف: من بسیار خسته هستم و فرزندانم هرگز متوقف نمی شوند. چه می توانم بکنم؟
ب: با دوستان خود صحبت کنید و بفهمید که آنها چه می کنند.
Student A
A- Ask your partner these questions.
1- Do you have a headache today?
2- Do you exercise every day?
3- How healthy are your eating habits?
4- Can you breathe deeply and hold your breath? [If yes, say:] Try it!
B- Now answer your partner’s questions.
C- Read the information about three people’s exercise programs. Answer your partner’s questions.

D- Now ask your partner these questions about three people’s exercise programs. (Use the simple present.)
1- How often _ (Lucy / exercise) every week?
2- How long _ (Steve and Lynn / walk) on Sundays?
3- _ (Lucy / lift) weights on Mondays?
4- How many times a week _ (Steve and Lynn / go) to the gym?
Student B
A- Answer your partner’s questions.
B- Now ask your partner these questions.
1- Do you have a backache today?
2- Do you eat a balanced diet?
3- How often do you exercise?
4- Can you stretch your arms up and then touch your toes? [If yes, say:] Try it!
C- Ask your partner these questions about three people’s exercise programs. (Use the simple present.)
1- How many times a week _ (Ben / exercise)?
2- How often _ (Evan and Ann / do) yoga?
3- _ (Ben / go) to the gym twice a week?
4- How long _ (Evan and Ann / walk) on Sundays?
D- Now read the information about three people’s exercise programs. Answer your partner’s questions.

A- Student B’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. / No, but I have [a stomachache].
2- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. / No, I exercise [two or three times a week].
3- They’re [somewhat] healthy. / They’re [not healthy at all].
4- Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
B- Student A’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. / No, but I have [a sore throat].
2- Yes, I do. / Yes, [I try to]. / No, I don’t. / No, [my diet isn’t very healthy].
3- I exercise [twice a week]. / I [hardly ever] exercise.
4- Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
C- Student B’s questions
1- How many times a week does Ben exercise?
2- How often do Evan and Ann do yoga?
3- Does Ben go to the gym twice a week?
4- How long do Evan and Ann walk on Sundays?
Student A’s answers- Sample answers:
1- Five times. / He exercises five times a week.
2- Twice a week. / They do yoga twice a week.
3- No, he doesn’t. / No, he goes to the gym three times a week.
4- Two hours. / They walk for two hours.
D- Student A’s questions
1- How often does Lucy exercise every week?
2- How long do Steve and Lynn walk on Sundays?
3- Does Lucy lift weights on Mondays?
4- How many times a week do Steve and Lynn go to the gym?
Student B’s answers- Sample answers:
1- Four times. / She exercises four times a week.
2- An hour. / One hour. / They walk for an hour.
3- No, she doesn’t. / No, she lifts weights on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4- Three times. / They go to the gym three times a week.