سطح A2 صحبت کردن

بیایید مقایسه کنیم

آنچه در این مطلب میخوانید

مقایسه کردن یک مرحله مهم و ضروری در خرید است که به ما کمک می‌کند تصمیمات بهتری بگیریم. در این بخش از هر محصول دو مدل وجود دارد، آنها را مقایسه کنید و جمله بسازید. چند جمله میتوانید بسازید؟

A: Excuse me. How much is the computer?
B: It’s only $250.
A: That’s very expensive! Would you take…?

الف: ببخشید. کامپیوتر چنده؟
ب: فقط 250 دلار است.
الف: این خیلی گران است! شما میگیرید…؟


Student A

A- Ask your partner these questions.
1- Do you think small cars are better than big cars?
2- Are cameras usually more expensive than cars?
3- Which is heavier, a desktop computer or a laptop?
4- Are your shoes comfortable enough?

B- Now answer your partner’s questions.

C- Read these posts about two laptops on an online message board. Answer your partner’s questions.

D- Now ask your partner these questions about two cameras. (Use the comparative forms.)

1- Which camera is _ (cheap), the SuperCamera or the MegaCamera?

2- Which camera is _ (light)?

3- Is the SuperCamera _ (fast) the MegaCamera?

4- Does SonnyM.’s SuperCamera take _ (good) pictures than his old camera?

Student B

A- Answer your partner’s questions.

B- Now ask your partner these questions.
1- Do you think baggy clothes are better than tight clothes?
2- Are cars usually cheaper than printers?
3- Which is lighter, a laptop or a cell phone?
4- Are your shoes too small for you?

C- Ask your partner these questions about two laptops. (Use the comparative forms.)

1- Which laptop is _ (expensive), the Star laptop or the A-1 laptop?

2- You like watching DVDs. Which laptop is _ (good) for this?

3- Is the A-1 laptop _ (fast) the Star laptop?

4- Is the Star laptop _ (noisy) the A-1 laptop?

D- Now read these posts about two cameras on an online message board. Answer your partner’s questions.


A- Student B’s own answers Sample answers:
1- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. / No, I think big cars are better.
2- No, they’re not. / No, they aren’t. / No, they’re usually cheaper than cars.
3- A desktop computer is heavier than a laptop.
4- Yes, they are. / No, they’re not. / No, they aren’t. They’re [too tight].

B- Student A’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. / No, I think tight clothes are better.
2- No, they’re not. / No, they aren’t. / No, they’re usually more expensive than printers.
3- A cell phone is lighter than a laptop.
4- Yes, they are. / No, they’re not. / No, they aren’t. They’re [very comfortable.]

پیشنهاد ما:  او سخت کوش است

C- Student B’s questions
1- Which laptop is more expensive, the Star laptop or the A-1 laptop?
2- You like watching DVDs. Which laptop is better for this?
3- Is the A-1 laptop faster than the Star laptop?
4- Is the Star laptop noisier than the A-1 laptop?

Student A’s answers- Sample answers:
1- The Star laptop is more expensive.
2- The Star laptop is better (for watching DVDs).
3- No, it’s not. [It’s slower.] / No, it isn’t. [The Star laptop is faster.]
4- No, it’s not. / No, it isn’t. / No, it’s quieter than the A-1 laptop.

D- Student A’s questions
1- Which camera is cheaper, the SuperCamera or the MegaCamera?
2- Which camera is lighter?
3- Is the SuperCamera faster than the MegaCamera?
4- Does Sonny M.’s SuperCamera take better pictures than his old camera?

Student B’s answers- Sample answers:
1- The MegaCamera is cheaper.
2- The SuperCamera is lighter.
3- No, it’s not. [It’s slower.] / No, it isn’t. [The MegaCamera is faster.]
4- No, it doesn’t. [His old camera takes better pictures.] / No, it takes worse pictures.

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