سطح B2 خواندنمهارت ها

مردان فیل

آنچه در این مطلب میخوانید

به نظر شما امروزه جوانان با چه چالش هایی مواجه هستند؟ متن زیر را بخوانید. نظر شما در مورد برنامه رابرت و رجینالد چیست؟


G- Read the letters to the editor of a newspaper. Write T (true) or F (false).

1- Both letters suggest ways to improve recycling. __

2- Todd is surprised that so much trash is recycled in his town. __

3- Meg and Todd agree about people’s recycling habits in their town. __

4- Todd believes that having more recycling centers will help solve the problem. __

5- Meg thinks people should pay for the city to pick up their recyclables. __

6- Meg agrees with Todd’s suggestion to limit pollution. __


1- T
2- F
3- T
4- T
5- F
6- F

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