سطح A1 صحبت کردنمهارت ها

یک آخر هفته سرگرم کننده

آنچه در این مطلب میخوانید

فعالیت های مورد علاقه شما برای آخر هفته تان چیست؟ آشپزی، صحبت کردن یا … . این سوال موضوع اولین بخش speaking درس 10 است.


Student A
A- Ask your partner these questions.
1- Did you play basketball last weekend?
2- Who does the laundry in your home?
3- Did you have a party last Saturday?
4- How often do you make dinner?

B- Now answer your partner’s questions.

C- Read the information about Kate’s day yesterday. Answer your partner’s questions.

D- Now ask your partner these questions about Eric’s day yesterday.

1- _ Eric do laundry in the morning?

2- _ he chat with his grandparents at noon?

3- _ he go to a restaurant at 2:00 p.m.?

4- _ he visit relatives at 4:00?

Student B
A- Answer your partner’s questions.

B- Now ask your partner these questions.
1- Did you play tennis last weekend?
2- Who does the dishes in your home?
3- Did you see a play last Sunday?
4- How often do you go grocery shopping?

C- Ask your partner these questions about Kate’s day yesterday.

1- _ Kate watch TV yesterday morning?

2- _ she play basketball at 12:30?

3- _ she go shopping at 5:00 p.m.?

4- _ she stay home last night?

D- Now read the information about Eric’s day yesterday. Answer your partner’s questions.


A- Student B’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. / No, I [played soccer].
2- [I] do. / [My mother] [usually] does it.
3- Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. / No, I [saw a play].
4- I make dinner [three times a week]. / I [never] make dinner.

B- Student A’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. / No, I [played basketball].
2- [My brother and I] do the dishes. / [My dad] [usually] does them.
3- Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. / No, I [watched an old movie].
4- I go grocery shopping [twice a week]. / I [hardly ever] go grocery shopping.

C- Student B’s questions
1- Did Kate watch TV yesterday morning?
2- Did she play basketball at 12:30?
3- Did she go shopping at 5:00 p.m.?
4- Did she stay home last night?

Student A’s answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, she did.
2- No, she didn’t. / No, she had a tennis lesson at 12:30.
3- No, she didn’t. / No, she went shopping at 3:00 p.m.
4- No, she didn’t. / No, she saw a play last night.

D- Student A’s questions
1- Did Eric do laundry in the morning?
2- Did he chat with his grandparents at noon?
3- Did he go to a restaurant at 2:00 p.m.?
4- Did he visit relatives at 4:00?

پیشنهاد ما:  درس 8: محیط زیست

Student B’s answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, he did.
2- No, he didn’t. / No, he chatted with Mary at noon.
3- No, he didn’t. / No, he went grocery shopping at 2:00 p.m.
4- No, he didn’t. / No, he got a haircut at 4:00.

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