سطح B1 نوشتنمهارت ها

یک نصیحت

آنچه در این مطلب میخوانید

بخش خواندن این درس را بخوانید و یکی از ایمیل ها را انتخاب کنید. بنظر شما راه حل مشکل او چیست؟ مانند نمونه یک ایمیل برای کمک به آن شخص بنویسید.


B- Complete the sentences with the correct verbs from the box.

C- Circle the correct phrasal verb to complete each sentence.
1- I’d love to show you my new apartment. You should get together / drop by sometime.
2- I went for a walk in the park this morning, and guess who I ran into / took after.
3- If you need help with the party, you can count on / pick on me. Just call me!
4- I haven’t seen Larry in six months, but we’re getting together / getting along tonight.
5- If they can’t break up / get along, they probably shouldn’t get married.
6- He’s so immature! When is he going to take after / grow up?

D- Write sentences with It’s . . . expressions and infinitives and the words in parentheses.
1- (helpful / speak / more than one language)

2- (not good / gossip / about your friends)

3- (never / a good idea / judge people)

4- (important / be / honest with your friends)

5- (not nice / say one thing and do another)

E- Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1- Jill might / must / can’t be angry at Tom. They’re going to a movie tonight.
2- I can’t find my cell phone. It might / must / couldn’t be at the office, but I’m not sure.
3- He may not / must not / could come to soccer practice today because he had a headache this morning. Can you call him to find out?
4- She might / must not / could speak English. She didn’t understand anything you said.
5- I haven’t seen him this week. He couldn’t / must / could be on vacation, but I’m not sure. He usually tells me when he’s going away.
6- I found a math book in my car. You’re the only math student I know, so it may not / can’t / must be yours.


1- argue
2- apologize
3- lie
4- forgive
5- compromise
6- communicate

1- drop by
2- ran into
3- count on
4- getting together
5- get along
6- grow up

1- It’s helpful to speak more than one language.
2- It’s not good to gossip about your friends.
3- It’s never a good idea to judge people.
4- It’s important to be honest with your friends.
5- It’s not nice to say one thing and do another.

پیشنهاد ما:  یک مکالمه کتبی

1- can’t
2- might
3- may not
4- must not
5- could
6- must


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