سطح B1 صحبت کردنمهارت ها

جامعه ی ما

آنچه در این مطلب میخوانید

به نظر شما برای بهتر شدن جامعه و حفظ بهتر محیط زیست چه کاری میتوان انجام داد؟ جامعه شما چه مشکلات زیست محیطی دارد؟ با انجام تمارین این درس میتوانید راحتتر در مورد این موضوع با دیگران صحبت کنید و نظرات خود را با آنها به اشتراک بگذارید.

A: If I grow my own food, I will eat better.
B: If you eat better, you will feel healthier.
C: If you feel healthier, you won’t need to go to the doctor very often.

الف: اگر غذای خودم را بکارم بهتر می خورم.
ب: اگر بهتر غذا بخورید، احساس سلامتی بیشتری خواهید داشت.
ج: اگر احساس سلامتی بیشتری می کنید، نیازی به مراجعه مکرر به پزشک نخواهید داشت.


Student A
A- Ask your partner these questions.
1- Do you think you use too much water at home? [If yes, ask:] How can you use less? [If no, ask:]
What do you do to save water?
2- Do you think we need more nuclear energy?
Why or why not?
3- Do you think paying your bills online is good for the environment? Why or why not?
4- Do enough drivers have hybrid cars here?
Why or why not?

B- Now answer your partner’s questions.

C- Read Ron’s email to Ellen. Answer your partner’s questions.

D- Now ask your partner these questions about Ellen’s email to Ron. (Use the present perfect or the first conditional.)

1- _____ (Ellen’s neighbors / decide / do) something about the environment?

2- What two things _____ (Ellen / decide / do)?

3- If _____ (Ellen / ride) her bicycle to work, how _____ (she / help) the environment?

4- Why _____ (she / be) healthier if _____ (she / grow) her own vegetables?

Student B
A- Answer your partner’s questions.
B- Now ask your partner these questions.
1- Do you think you use too much energy at home? [If yes, ask:] How can you use less? [If no, ask:]
What do you do to save energy?
2- Do you think we need more wind farms?
Why or why not?
3- Do you think taking public transportation is good
for the environment? Why or why not?
4- Do enough people use solar energy here?
Why or why not?

C- Ask your partner these questions about Ron’s email to Ellen. (Use the present perfect or the first conditional.)

1- What _____ (Ron and his neighbors / decide)?

2- What two things _____ (Ron’s neighbors /promise / do)?

3- If _____ (they / use) fewer plastic bags, what _____ (the result / be)?

پیشنهاد ما:  افراد مشهور

4- What _____ (the result / be) if _____(they / start / use) more CFLs?

D- Now read Ellen’s email to Ron. Answer your partner’s questions.


A- Student B’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, I do. I can [take shorter showers]. / No, I don’t. I [take quick showers].
2- Yes, I do. [Nuclear energy is cleaner than some other types of energy.] / No, I don’t. [Scientists say nuclear energy is clean, but it’s also dangerous.]
3- Yes, I do. [We use less paper.] / No, I don’t. [We use less paper, but we waste more energy with the computers.]
4- No, not enough drivers have hybrid cars. [Hybrids are too expensive.]

B- Student A’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- Yes, I do. I can [remember to turn off the lights when I leave a room]. / No, I don’t. I save energy by [using CFLs].
2- Yes, I do. [Wind energy is clean and safe.] / No, I don’t. [Wind farms are noisy, and they create problems for people in the area.]
3- Yes, I do. [If people use their cars less, there will be less pollution.]
4- No. [Most people don’t want to spend the money.]

C- Student B’s questions
1- What have Ron and his neighbors decided?
2- What two things have Ron’s neighbors promised to do?
3- If they use fewer plastic bags, what will the result be?
4- What will / might / could the result be if they start using / to use more CFLs?

Student A’s answers- Sample answers:
1- They’ve decided to try harder to protect the environment.
2- They’ve promised to use cloth bags when they go grocery shopping and (they’ve promised) to start using more CFLs.
3- If they use fewer plastic bags, the result will / might / could / may be less pollution.
4- If they start using / to use more CFLs, they will / might / could / may save energy and money.

D- Student A’s questions
1- Have Ellen’s neighbors decided to do something about the environment?
2- What two things has Ellen decided to do?
3- If Ellen rides her bicycle to work, how will she help the environment?
4- Why will / might she be healthier if she grows her own vegetables?

Student B’s answers- Sample answers:
1- No, they haven’t. / No, but Ellen isn’t going to let that stop her.
2- Ellen has decided to start riding her bicycle to work and to grow her own vegetables this summer.
3- If she rides her bicycle to work, she’ll buy less gas and cause less pollution.
4- She’ll be healthier because she won’t be eating vegetables that have dangerous chemicals.

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