شما چکار انجام خواهید داد؟
فکر می کنید اگر در یک موقعیت خاص قرار بگیرید، چه واکنشی نشان دهید؟ در اولین بخش این تمرین شما می توانید سناریو های مختلفی را در نظر بگیرید و در مورد واکنشتان با دوستانتان صحبت کنید!
A: What would you do if a friend gave you an unusual gift?
B: I’d probably laugh.
C: I wouldn’t do that. I’d smile and say thank you.
الف: اگر دوستی به شما هدیه ای غیرعادی بدهد چه می کنید؟
ب: احتمالاً می خندم.
ج: من این کار را نمی کنم. لبخند می زدم و تشکر می کردم.
A: In China, you’re not supposed to open gifts immediately.
B: Really? I didn’t know that.
الف: در چین، قرار نیست بلافاصله هدایا را باز کنید.
ب: واقعا؟ من این را نمی دانستم.
A: Last week, my friend lent me his car. When his car broke down this week, I returned the favor and gave him my car.
B: I would have done the same thing.
الف: هفته گذشته دوستم ماشینش را به من قرض داد. وقتی ماشینش این هفته خراب شد، لطفش را جبران کردم و ماشینم را به او دادم.
ب: من هم همین کار را می کردم.
Student A
A- Ask your partner these questions.
1- What would you do if you were sitting on a bus and an elderly person were standing near you?
2- Imagine you were meeting a friend for dinner. If your friend kept you waiting, what would you do?
3- When was the last time you returned a favor?
What did you do?
4- Kate saw someone dropping litter on the street, and she didn’t do or say anything. What would you have done?
B- Now answer your partner’s questions.
Student B
A- Answer your partner’s questions.
B- Now ask your partner these questions.
1- What would you do if you were at a supermarket and someone cut in line in front of you?
2- Imagine you borrowed something from a friend and accidentally broke it. What would you do?
3- When was the last time you gave someone a compliment? What was the situation?
4- Paul was invited to a party during his working hours, and he went to the party. What would you have done?
Student A and Student B
C- An overseas visitor was invited to have dinner at a co-worker’s house in this country. The visitor
asked you and your partner for advice on local customs. Discuss the topics below and agree on what advice to give.
what to wear / what not to wear
what topics to talk about / what not to talk about
what gifts to take / what not to take
what time to arrive
what time to leave
A- Student B’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- I would offer the person my seat.
2- I would call my friend, ask if everything was OK, and then ask when she would arrive.
3- Yesterday, I helped my classmate with her math homework. She always helps me with my English homework.
4- I would have done the same thing. / I would have politely asked the person to pick it up.
B- Student A’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- I’d politely ask the person to go to the back of the line.
2- I would admit my mistake and apologize. I would also offer to pay for the repair or buy another one.
3- Last Saturday, I told my best friend that I liked her new hairstyle. We were going to the movies.
4- I would have turned down the invitation. / I would have arrived at the party late, after work.
C- Useful phrases If your students need extra support, provide them with some of these useful phrases:
What kind of clothes should he / she wear?
You’re supposed to [wear a suit and tie].
You’re expected to [arrive on time].
It’s a good idea to [take a gift / bring flowers].
He / She shouldn’t forget to [shake hands with the host’s parents].
I think that’s a good idea.
No, I don’t think you’re supposed to do that.