سطح B2 صحبت کردنمهارت ها

چی گفت؟

آنچه در این مطلب میخوانید

تمرین های صحبت کردن این درس می‌تواند به شما در بهبود مهارت‌های شنیداری و ارتباطی تان در زبان انگلیسی کمک کند. پس از یادگیری این درس نیز می توانید با دوستانتان سناریوهای صحبت کردن این درس را تمرین کنید و پاسخ هایتان را با پاسخنامه چک کنید.

A: I’m looking forward to graduating next year.
B: Jason told me he was looking forward to graduating next year.
C: Maria said that Jason was looking forward to…

الف: من مشتاقانه منتظر فارغ التحصیلی در سال آینده هستم.
ب: جیسون به من گفت که مشتاقانه منتظر فارغ التحصیلی در سال آینده است.
ج: ماریا گفت که جیسون مشتاقانه منتظر بود…

A: I think snowboarding is an amazing extreme sport.
B: I agree. You know, that reminds me, did you see the ice skating at the Olympics this year?
A: Um, no. I couldn’t watch the games. But as I was saying, snowboarding is really….

الف: من فکر می کنم اسنوبورد یک ورزش شدید شگفت انگیز است.
ب: موافقم می دانید، این به من یادآوری می کند، آیا اسکیت روی یخ را در المپیک امسال دیدید؟
الف: اوم، نه. نمی توانستم بازی ها را ببینم. اما همانطور که گفتم اسنوبورد واقعا ….

A: Hello. I’m Prince William.
B: Can I ask you a question? Do you participate in any charities?

الف: سلام. من پرنس ویلیام هستم.
ب: می توانم از شما یک سوال بپرسم؟ آیا در خیریه شرکت می کنید؟


Student A
A- Ask your partner these questions.
1- What do you look forward to doing on weekends?
2- What kind of person can’t you put up with? Why?
3- Which of your friends can you usually rely on? Why?
4- What do you usually worry about? Why?

B- Now answer your partner’s questions.

Student B
A- Answer your partner’s questions.

B- Now ask your partner these questions.
1- How do you keep up with your friends?
2- What kind of person don’t you usually get along with? Why?
3- Which of your friends can you usually depend on? Why?
4- What do you never worry about? Why?

Student A and Student B
C- Student A: Choose one of the situations below. Tell your partner about it. Use reported speech to report what people said.
A time when . . .
you started talking with a stranger
you said something that annoyed someone
you got into trouble for saying the wrong thing
you argued with a friend

پیشنهاد ما:  زمان دانشجویی

D- Student B: Choose one of the situations above. Tell your partner about it. Use reported speech to report what people said.


A- Student B’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- I look forward to spending time with my family and playing soccer with my friends.
2- I can’t put up with people who are late and then make excuses. I prefer people who are honest, even when they make a mistake.
3- I can always rely on my friend Leo. He always tries to help me when I need him. And if he can’t help me, he finds someone who can.
4- I usually worry about work. If I have a bad day, I can’t stop thinking about it.

B- Student A’s own answers- Sample answers:
1- I usually keep up with my friends by emailing them or by chatting online. It’s cheaper than calling them.
2- I usually don’t get along with people who are too competitive. I don’t like people who don’t know how to lose and always need to be better than everybody else.
3- I can usually depend on my friend Ana. She gives me good advice and helps me if I have a problem.
4- I never worry about fashion. I think it’s important to wear comfortable clothes, not trendy ones.

C / D- Student A / B’s answers- Sample answers:

I saw a stranger on the street. He looked lost, so I asked if I could help him. Then he told me . . .

I was on the train going home from work when a woman sat down next to me. In a few minutes she took out her cell phone and made a call. She was talking very loudly. After ten minutes, I asked her if she could speak lower or not use her cell phone on the train. She got really angry and told me . . .

My friend Chris quit his job, and now he’s having money problems. One day he asked me if I would lend him some money, but I said “no.” We argued, and he said . . .

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